Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Retirees Can Be Flexible

One of the many benefits of being retired is being able to change plans at a moment's notice much of the time, because I generally have no schedule.  Yesterday, for example, I had a fairly lazy morning and didn't get out the door until 10am. My plan was to go sketching at the UW's small boat dock, on the last day before Fall quarter begins (and the place gets crowded).

I figured I'd be out about two hours.  I brought along the sketch supplies, some lunch, and the hound. Part way to the UW, however, the traffic started backing up.  I hate being stuck in traffic so I turned off and headed away from it, thinking to take another route, but then realized I was on the street that leads directly to Green Lake park, where I haven't been in ages.  So I abandoned the UW plan just like that.

Truman seemed to approve this change of plans.

He managed to find something stinky to roll in.

He did not go wading -- I suspect the water may be too cold now.

I thought I might find something to sketch at Green Lake, but it was a bit breezy, and it isn't much fun trying to draw when it's windy.  We had a nice long walk/stroll and then back at the car I decided on a whim to head over to Carkeek Park.  I was hungry by then, so I ate lunch there while Truman gave me suspicious looks --  his typical "why aren't we going home?" expression.

I annoyed him further by driving to the park's education center, which has a demonstration garden.  It was nicely sheltered by trees there, and I was finally able to sit down and sketch.

Then we headed home.  We were out and about for three hours and it didn't matter than I'd changed my plans one bit, because there was nowhere I had to be and I had no obligations whatsoever.  Hoorah for retirement!

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