Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Into Summer

Last week it felt as if we were already in Summer Mode --  70 degrees most days (it even reached 80 once!), which meant lots of lounging on the new patio chair.  And dog walks!

On hot days, I like to take the Hounds to the river so they can cool off.

They run right in, though they don't go any deeper than wading level.

Truman especially enjoys a good shake.

One day I decided to take the Hounds to the demonstration gardens in Kennewick.

This lovely spot is run by the Master Gardeners, a non-profit volunteer-run organization dedicated to helping folks learn all about plants and what to do with them.

There are sections showing different kinds of gardens -- herb, perennial, xeriscape, etc.

This is the Children's Garden:

And here is a small Japanese garden:

Early spring blooms!

Formal garden:

My house has lawn, and lots of it.  There are a few shrubs here and there, seven roses (which are leafing out nicely!), a lilac, and a dogwood.  Someday I may plant some flowers somewhere but for right now, I prefer lounging.

Finally, on another walk by the river, we spotted the first river boat of the season:

There are two river boats that cruise up and down the Columbia from now until October, and they are always fun to watch. 

That's it for the Retired Life for now!


  1. Is that garden up by the Kennewick library? I will need to check it out sometime. Lovely.

    1. Yup, right by the library, same parking lot. Recommend going in June when there should be roses in bloom. There's a section where they have specimens of the roses that grow well here. Lovely place.
