Monday, April 15, 2019

The Middle of Nowhere

Last week the Hounds and I visited one of our favorite walking spots in the very far north end of Richland, a trail along the river which is very quiet and very out of the way of pretty much everything.

There's a big thicket where California Quail love to hide.  Every time the Hounds and I round a bend right before the thicket, we see them briefly foraging out in the open, and every time they spot us, they flutter and scurry madly to disappear inside the bushes.

If I wait long enough and stay very still, a quail will pop up to see if the coast is clear again.

The trail leads from a lot of research laboratory campuses to a more industrial spot, and eventually on to the Washington State University branch campus.  I stopped at a spot about halfway along and did a quick sketch.

Then I checked out a small flock of birds on the water, which turned out to be scaup:

I also got a bonus fly-over by an Osprey:

The skies were particularly fabulous that day, with amazing clouds.

I have a terrible time painting clouds, so I just took photos instead.

Perhaps I'll use these to practice at home.

The weather was pretty drizzly and cool and gray most of last week here, so that was my only sketch outing.  This coming week promises to be sunnier and warmer, so I hope to get out a bit more.

Finally, today is Truman's seventh birthday!!  He shares it with his buddy Winston.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRU!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WINSTON!

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