Monday, February 26, 2018

The Pippin Show

As usual, I have a whole lot of adorable Pippin photos to share from the past week (and adorable Truman, too).  But first, you have to look at the art.

Once again, it was too cold to venture outside to sketch (and it SNOWED!!).  Luckily, the utility pole replacement team was out in force directly across the street and I had a front-row seat at the living room window.

They spent two hours up there, moving one wire around.  Then they left for the day and haven't been seen since (this was Wednesday).

The City has been busy replacing this pole for about three months now.  It's great to see my tax dollars at work.  My favorite moment happened when, after carefully marking all the places they should not dig, they proceeded to dig there and broke a water main.  At least it wasn't mine.

I had more indoor sketching fun by drawing from photos, which is not my preferred method, but can be good practice.  This is from an old 1920s postcard of the Smith Tower and Colman Dock.

Tina and I planned to draw at the UW's Neo-Gothic library on Sunday, but a mishap occurred which kept us indoors at her house drawing from random images online instead.  I liked these trees, which seemed to be having a battle:

Next we chose an abandoned boat, which had lots of rust and algae on it, making for fun colors.

Okay, enough of the art.  On to the Pippin Show!

Truman, who is miffed that he no longer stars in The Truman Show, loves to wrestle Pippin to let him know who is the boss.  Here he is performing a classic wrestling take-down move:

I'm not entirely sure that Truman won out in the end, though....

Pippin made his second trip to the beach this past week, this time to Golden Gardens park with his friend Winston.

I managed to get in a minute of birding while there -- these are Brant geese, one of our elegant Winter visitors.

It was a tad breezy (and COLD), but at least the sun was shining.

Back home, I asked Truman and Pippin to pose in a dignified manner for me, and this is what I got:

Oh, well.

As I may have mentioned, it SNOWED, and it stayed in the yard for a whole day.  Pippin not only doesn't mind the snow, he enjoys eating it and sitting on it and just generally hanging out in it.

And he enjoys playing with Truman in it.

Here he is showing Truman who is the boss:

Finally, in very exciting news, our next-door neighbors got a puppy!!  Her name is Piper and she is eight weeks old.

As you can probably tell, she is not a dachshund.  She's a German Shepherd, and I'm sure Pip will enjoy play dates with her for another month or two until she becomes Monster Dog.  She's ever so sweet.

That's all for now from The Pippin Show!

1 comment:

  1. I like the drawings from the postcard and the trees and the boat very much. I don't remember seeing those on Facebook so there was actually something new! I did see the video of Truman wrestling with Pippin. I was actually a tad worried about Pippin because it looked like Truman could have broken his neck if he really wanted to. Sheesh!
