Monday, August 2, 2021

A Relatively Short Post

 Apparently I didn't do very much last week that was worthy of photos. Sorry.

Mostly I walked a lot more, averaging four miles a day, and mostly I walked between 6:30 and 8:00am to beat the heat.  It's all part of the Pacer Virtual Walk Challenges thing, which continues to keep me motivated.  And ooh, look -- they sent me another spiffy medal for my recently completed 37.2 mile virtual stroll around Paris:

Pretty fancy!

The current virtual challenge is 91 miles across England along Hadrian's Wall, going from west to east.  I'm at the 39 mile mark.  I had a shorter day yesterday due to wildfire smoke haze making the air unhealthy, and did not get my usual 3-4 miles in.  I did get two miles done by dancing around the living room periodically throughout the day, though.

Besides that, there was just the usual stuff -- two Zoom drawing/painting sessions, and work on the needlepoint project.  Here is the first Zoom painting -- and yes, the photo really did have that wild sky:

The second one was easier -- a close-up of a Great Blue Heron foot:

As for the needlepoint project, which you recall is of the Good Omens Series 2 promo photo:

I've made it to the bottom of the umbrella after three weeks.  Whee!

I've done around 7,400 stitches, with 28, 900 or so left to go...on track to be just shy of one-third done by the end of one month, assuming I can keep up the 5-6 hours per day of work on it.  

May your week be full and formative, and free of wildfire smoke!

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