Monday, May 30, 2022

Garden Update and a bit of the usual other stuff

 Most of the two dozen+ perennials I added to my little backyard garden strip are surviving, and some are even blooming, along with the roses I planted last year.  Yay!  And the roses out front, which came with the house, are also doing quite splendidly:

Pippin likes to check out the plants in the back yard from time to time:

Here is one of the roses I planted last year:

I'm afraid I've forgotten what this perennial is...I tossed all the labels....

Another rose that I planted is a floribunda called "Carefree Wonder":

One morning while inspecting the garden, I ran across this delightful little critter -- it's a jumping spider, and I do mean little, because this is way zoomed in.  I don't think it was even half an inch long.

Here is the clematis:

And here is Pippin relaxing in the garden:

More flowers are slowing starting to bloom so there will be another update soon.

And now for the Usual Other Stuff:  here is a drawing of an alleyway on the island of Santorini:

And here is an ink-and-watercolor sketch of some badlands area of unknown location:

And now for not-so-usual stuff:  on Thursday I drove to Yakima (about an hour away) to check out a used bookstore.  It was fabulous:

They also had a lot of antiques mixed in:

Parts of it reminded me of Aziraphale's bookshop in Good Omens.  I liked it very much, and bought a few books (though I didn't get any of the antiques).

Back to the more usual stuff:  wiener group walks!  On Saturday the dachshund club walked at Chiawana Park in Pasco, while one of the riverboats sailed past:

Pippin's girlfriend was out of town, but we met a new dog:  a longhaired blond named Winston!  

Truman's best buddy up in Seattle is also a longhaired blond dachshund named Winston.  How cool is that?  Pippin liked him, too:

So that was fun.  

And that's my report.
May you all have as usual or unusual a week as you want to have!


  1. I think the pink flowering plant you don't remember the name of is what we call "Ballard flowers" because they seem particularly popular in that neighborhood. I comment to warn you that they put down very tenacious roots and spread madly; you may want to keep an eye on them so they don't take over. (And if you ever stumble across the label, do share what they're actually called!)

    1. thank you for the warning. I did notice some recently on the riverbank growing wild, which gave me pause. I'm not sure they would be able to spread in my tiny garden -- I put them between a spirea and a lilac. Guess I'll just have to wait and see...yay.
