Monday, May 2, 2022

Rainy Days

I live in a desert.  Well, technically, it is a "semi" desert region, or semi-arid, or shrub-steppe.  The basic idea is that it isn't supposed to get a lot of RAIN (though it gets more than a true desert).  Typically, we get 7 inches of rain a year.  Most of it, apparently, over the past two weeks.

In other words, I'm using the weather as an excuse for not posting anything of an outdoorsy nature this time.  All you're going to get is some watercolor paintings and one required adorable dachshund pic.

My friends and I have three drawing sessions a week.  For two of them, we choose a photo to draw.  The third meeting is freeform.  We can work on anything we like.  The trouble is, I don't like anything.  Except Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens.  As you all should know by now, I've drawn pretty much every single image of them from the first series that could possibly have any interest whatsoever.  And the second series won't be aired until sometime in 2023.  So I am utterly uninspired, which makes that third session rather challenging.

Ah, but this past week, I had an idea!  My idea was this:  steal from someone else.  This is often a good fallback when you have no original ideas of your own.   So I stole from my fellow art session friend, Jocelyn.  She likes to add things to any landscape she finds a bit dull, and most often she adds a pterodactyl or two.  Why, I could try that.  And I did.

Here is a landscape I drew during one of our regular "choose a photo and all draw it" sessions.  Clearly, it needed some livening up:

I livened it up by giving it a pterodactyl:

A clear improvement, if you ask me.

And here is a boring lighthouse which I painted some weeks ago in a rather messy fashion:

It obviously needed a kraken, right?  Right!

I had a lot of fun with that one.

I also did a plain old drawing without amendment, during one of our regular sessions.  This is a colorful bird from the Amazon, called a Golden-collared Toucanet:

That is all I've got to share this time.  Oh, except for the required cute dachshund pic.  Here it is:  Pippin asking for a belly rub.

He got one!

Have a good and sunny week out there!

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