Monday, August 10, 2020

Is It Blursday Yet?

 It's been suggested (I saw it on Facebook) that those of us who can no longer remember what day of the week it is (due to being at home all the time) simply call every day "Blursday".  I'm all in favor of that!

So, I don't recall which day last week I went to the McNary National Wildlife Refuge, so it was probably on Blursday.  It was a fine outing with cooler weather and excellent birds.

Here are a couple of Pied-billed Grebes:

This Great Blue Heron was giving me the stink-eye.

The American White Pelicans were out in force:

There were lots of Barn Swallows zipping around and I tried to snap a pic of one in flight, but they move way too fast.  Here's a blurry one:

But they were also hanging out on a rooftop, nice and still:

There were several Great Egrets about -- they are far more common here than in the western part of the State.

They posed nicely for me.

And I even managed to get one taking off:

The Hounds also enjoyed the outing -- there are paved trails all round.

That was our most exciting outing for the week.  

As for art, I worked on some more portraits of the characters from Good Omens.  For the first one, I was using acrylic paint, but didn't have brushes small enough for details, so I went shopping:

These tiny brushes come in handy when working on facial features, especially when the face, in this case, is only two inches wide:

The second one I worked on was in colored pencil, where details are much easier to draw as long as one has a good pencil sharpener.  This portrait is 6" x 8":

I think I finished it on Blursday.

Have a great week out there!


  1. When we were coming home yesterday I decided to cross the river at Biggs and finish the trip on the Washington side. I saw some white birds in the water just as I was starting to go over the bridge and paid more attention to them. Pelicans! Tons and tons of pelicans. There must have been a couple hundred of the. Very cool.
