Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trail Fail

There is an Urban Greenbelt Trail in Richland winding 3-1/4 miles hither and yon in a big circle that includes part of the riverfront.  Last May I checked it out for the first time, starting at a nicely landscaped medical complex.  However, after a mile I ran into a blocked pedestrian overpass, with no indication of a detour route, and spent a good half hour finding a way around it.  I complained to the city parks department, and they promised to fix it.


Here it was, three months later, and Truman and I headed out on the trail, starting again at the medical complex.

Guess what we found?  A blocked pedestrian overpass with no signs indicating a detour route.

Well, I guess nobody cares enough to fix it.  And we didn't care to deal with finding a way around, so just turned right around.  I found a bench and did a quick sketch instead.

And then I just drove down to the riverfront.  One of the riverboats was docked there -- they go from Astoria all the way to the WA-ID border and back.

Truman enjoyed his stroll.

He also enjoyed a little wading.

Stay tuned for more fun in the Tri-Cities!

1 comment:

  1. You should send those darn people another nasty gram, not that it would probably accomplish anything. Your government at work. Blah.
