Monday, September 13, 2021

Pippin Gets a Girlfriend

 Pippin has a new friend!  But first, other stuff of much less importance so I can save the best for last.

First, I knocked off yet another virtual walk challenge, for a mere 32 miles around Athens. I did not do any eight or nine mile days--it was a very sensible walk of around four to five miles a day.

On nearly every morning walk by the river, I got to see at least one pelican, including this one, backlit by the sun:

I'm now walking virtually around some flower fields in the Netherlands for 41 miles, via the other major walk challenge company, Conqueror Events.  I thought I'd see how they compared to Pacer Adventures.  Not as good, for many reasons which I shall not enumerate here because they would bore the pants off of everyone, but suffice to say that once I've finished this walk, it will be back to Pacer for me.

For the art update, only one of the sketch sessions resulted in something worth sharing, and even that has some issues, but oh, well.  We can't always bat a thousand, right?  Anyway, here is an elephant walking away:

We chose this picture partly because we figured the rear end would be easier to draw than the front.  Probably a good idea.

As for the Good Omens needlepoint project, here at the end of week 9, it's going mostly okay except for a few hiccups now and then when I miscount the squares in the pattern.  Sigh.  I've now done 22,600 stitches:

Okay, it's time for the important part of this post:  


Her name is Madison, and she is the same age (both turn four in October).  We met Madison's owner quite by chance at the Farmers Market a while back, and told her about the dachshund walking group here.  After meeting again a couple of times at those group walks, where they seemed to like each other a lot, we decided to try a play date at my place.

They had a fabulous time!  They zipped and zoomed all over the yard, chasing each other like mad.

They also paused to wrestle, and Pippin politely rolled over in the submissive pose every time.

It didn't take more than half an hour to wear them both out.


We are planning to meet up weekly, alternating homes, so next week Pippin gets to visit Madison at her place.  I'm so glad he has a young friend to play with, as poor Truman, at nine years old, just doesn't want to romp around with him any longer than a few minutes.

That's it for this past week.  Have fun out there, everyone!

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