Monday, September 27, 2021

Nothing But the Needlepoint

 I went on dog walks and virtual walks but did not take any photos of note thereon.  Since our last virtual strolling update, I've finished 32 miles in Athens...

And a brisk 13 miles through Venice (the medal has not yet arrived).  I'm now hiking up Mount Fuji, sort of -- it's a whole lot flatter here, all in all, than it is on the actual Mount Fuji, so unless I trek up our local big hills, this walk will remain very virtual indeed.

I also drew stuff during our two virtual sketch practice sessions, but did not care for either result, and thus am disinclined to share.  I suppose, in theory, there may be some virtue in posting examples of failed artistic efforts--you know--a sort of guide to What Not To Do.  However,  I already know what not to do, don't care to be reminded of what not to do, and am assuming that my few regular readers are not anxiously awaiting instructions on what not to do with watercolor paint or any other art materials because they aren't actually out there painting things.  Right?


So.  What does that leave for my big accomplishment this past week?

Nothing but the needlepoint.

Yeah, it's not much, although I did do more stitches than usual--my typical weekly output is between 2000 and 2500 stitches, and this past week, thanks to a few sections that were slightly less complicated than most of it is, I managed to get over 3,000 stitches completed.  Whoo hoo!  That's something to shout about, yes?  Yes, it is.  WAHOO, I say!  Plus a big old YIPPEE YEE HAW!

28,500 stitches completed!  I can see daylight at the end of this crazy-making tunnel!  Whee!

Another three to four weeks and it might be DONE.  Of course, then you will find me sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at the skeins of leftover embroidery floss, my hands twitching in phantom sewing motions as I mutter to the Hounds, "But...but...NOW what do I do with the five hours a day that I was spending on this?  AIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

It's a good question.  Check back in a month and we shall find out the answer.  

Meanwhile, have a lovely week out there!

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