Monday, April 6, 2020

Slow Days

There are plenty of places around these parts where one can go for a walk without encountering another person, and even if there are other people there is plenty of room to avoid getting close, though this is hard on poor Pippin, who is quite social and loves greeting folks on our walks.

Truman, on the other hand, is very shy and anxious around strangers, so he's been having a grand time of it lately.

After one of our recent strolls, as I was driving home, I noticed storm clouds moving in, so I kept driving around to get some photos.

It never turned into a big storm, just a few rain showers, but the clouds were still dramatic.

This view is from one of the wineries outside of town:

The quietest place we go for walks is the cemetery, which has a pond, and one time the ducks and swans lined up in a nicely symmetrical fashion:

And another spot we like along the river is always a favorite:

The only other person I spotted there that day:

Truman enjoyed the solitude:

As for life at home, it is pretty routine.  Mostly writing, reading, playing the piano, watching old baseball games, and when I get truly bored, playing with Photoshop:

Bird dog:

Wiener's Mother:

Hope you are all staying safe and healthy out there!

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