Thursday, May 25, 2017

Back to the Birds

Foster dog Chloe is remarkably well-adjusted, and I'm now able to leave her alone for longer periods, so yesterday morning I rewarded Truman for his good behavior towards her by taking just him on an outing.  We had some quality time at the Montlake Fill.

An obliging Tree Swallow stopped swooping long enough for a pic:

A Killdeer tried to distract us from her youngsters by doing a "broken-wing" display.

The American Goldfinch males are getting into their finest breeding plumage.

This Cinnamon Teal male was also looking quite fine indeed.

A juvenile Bald Eagle soared high overhead.

A fine outing all round.  

Later that day, I took both Chloe and Truman for a neighborhood stroll.  He is getting used to her!

1 comment:

  1. They look like best buddies! I sure like her coloring. Quite different from the norm.
