Monday, November 8, 2021


 We are not walking as often or as far now that the chillier weather has arrived.  The Hounds and I still get out when we can -- for me, that means sunny and over 45 degrees.  Unfortunately, this is more likely to occur later in the day, and I am a morning person.  Sigh.

When we do get out, though, it's quite lovely, as usual, by the riverside.

There's an island in the middle of the river, and at the end of it there was a group of pelicans:

I thought they went south for the Winter, but perhaps they are sturdier than I am and can handle temps of less than 45 degrees for a while longer.

Here is Pippin exploring the riverbank:

And here is Truman getting his leash stuck on this dock ramp:

Our most exciting wildlife sighting for that morning was this rather plump squirrel, who was ever so concerned about our presence, despite being a good six feet up in the safety of the tree:

There are always plenty of squirrels in this park, which drives Pippin nuts because they often stand around on the ground within five feet of him, and he can never catch them, being attached to me by his leash and all.  But he tries.  And fails.  Truman, on the other hand, who I often let walk freely, and who could chase squirrels to his heart's content, completely ignores them.  I wonder if this perturbs poor Pippin?  Truman!  What are doing?!??  There are SQUIRRELS right in front of you!!!  GO GET THEM!!!  

But Truman just ambles along, sniffing the grass and hiding behind me whenever a person comes near us and wondering, no doubt, when we are ever going to get back to the car and go home, which is always his fondest wish.  Squirrels?  We have those in our own yard.  I can chase them there.  Leave me alone!

Or something to that effect.

In other News of the Week, we did our usual two drawing sessions via Zoom, and the first one was okay but not that inspiring.  It's a view from somewhere or other in France:

I liked the picture we chose for the second session much better -- a delightful red panda.  I did a pencil sketch, then a light and loose watercolor painting, over which I drew details using colored pencils.  

Quite nice, I think!

Finally, I shall leave you with the very first photo released from the set of Good Omens Series 2.  It is from Aziraphale's bookshop, and the only thing we know is that he and Crowley are talking to someone.  No idea who.  Fans have, of course, carefully studied the reflections in Crowley's glasses and have derived all sorts of theories about who is in there but to me it's just meaningless blobs.  It's still nice to see them together again!

Three weeks of filming have been completed...with another 15 projected weeks to go.  Not counting a 2-3 week break over Christmas/New Year's.  Sigh.  And then another year or so of's going to be a long wait.  Hopefully we will get more photos and maybe even some clips to keep us happy in the meantime!

That's all for now.  Have a great week out there!

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