Monday, October 26, 2020

It's Harry the Rabbit!

 I did two more portraits this week.  The first was just a variation on an earlier one I did of Crowley in his car after he believes that Aziraphale was lost in the bookshop fire.  This is the first version I did, and it felt too exaggerated and/or harsh-looking.

So I did a slightly different version that I think is an improvement.  His face has a darker, smudgy appearance because of the ash from the fire, which is also on his jacket, and his hair has been dampened by water from a fire hose.  I like the less extreme expression better here.

The second portrait was Aziraphale -- I like to alternate between the two.  This time I got the challenge of drawing a totally white bunny -- in this scene, he is performing a magic act, and produces Harry the Rabbit from a top hat (not in view).

Other challenges included his expression -- he is desperately hoping the kids he's performing for will like this trick (they've been very bored by his act), and he's smiling in a sort of  "PLEASE like this" manner.  And he's drawn a silly mustache on.  It's the only time he wears black in the series, which does help set off the rabbit nicely.

AND, I got to draw hands -- yay.  

I used a light, warm gray to define the bunny, which worked well.  The face got overworked in some areas, and I tried to rescue it as best I could, not entirely successfully.  Overall I'm okay with it, and I learned more about What Not To Do with colored pencils!

As with the above drawing of Crowley, if I get bored enough, I may try to do this one a second time to get it closer to my high standards.  

In other news, Truman is mostly recovered from his spinal disk issue!  He can walk and run just fine, and only has a little trouble with going up stairs.  Here is a video from a few days ago -- he can play with Pippin again, and that makes Pip very happy indeed.

That's all for this past week.  Stay safe out there!

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