Monday, October 22, 2018

Not Much To See Here

Last week I was rather focused on the home purchase closing, so there is not much to report here.  (Yes, everything went smoothly and I am now a homeowner again -- yay!).  Pictures will come in another two weeks or so -- there are new floors and counter tops and other things happening there first.

I did get out with the Urban Sketchers to a nursery (more pumpkins!):

And I also did my volunteer shift at the Friends of the Richland Library used book sale room:

Having hung out at libraries a lot over the decades, and chatted with librarians and volunteers a lot, I had visions of meeting fun, interesting people who would love to have fun, interesting conversations that would make the time fly.

My shift partner turned out to be a very quiet woman who mostly enjoyed shelving new donations and straightening shelves.  It was not the most exciting two hours -- only four customers bought books, and three people made donations. 

So I helped shelve books and straightened stuff and rang up the four sales.  For the second  hour, I sat at the front desk and read.  My co-volunteer said this was fine.  She did it too.

The place is nicely decorated, as you can see, with colorful mobiles.

One perk is that we can borrow (within reason) any books we want.  I looked over a few shelves, and found such fascinating, page-turning options as these:

This book contains the thrilling memoirs of a family of cattle ranchers, published in the 1970s.  It was self-published.  Need I say more?

My next option was this collection of "poems to amuse and bemuse" by a local author.  It seemed to be mostly about oddball characters from Scotland who get up to lots of hijinks, in rhyming verse with plenty of Scottish lingo thrown in. 

I declined to borrow it.  I did find a humor collection to take home. 

Next weekend is the annual book sale at the library, which includes not only the book room but thousands of other donated books, plus stuff pulled from the library shelves that are deemed of no value.  I expect there will be tables full of novels by Tom Clancy, John Grisham, James Patterson, and Danielle Steele.  Of course, I'm going anyway -- as a volunteer, I get first crack at the special preview sale the night before the hoi polloi is allowed in. 

And then I get to work the Saturday afternoon of the sale, the very end shift, which is $5-a-bag time.  That should be interesting.

So that's my report from the Atomic City.  It is sunny and 65 out today.  Hope you are having a grand time wherever you are!

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